Space exploration takes a lot of training. Training includes scuba diving and large padded tubes with no gravity; this type of training is used to help with the shock on the body of weight-less-ness. Another type of training is used to help with the pressure of lifting off into space. This training is only some of what it takes to be me an astronaut. 10 – 9- 8 – 7 – 6 – here goes. I take a deep breath 5- 4- 3- 2- 1- whoosh I am pushed back into my seat. I can’t move out of my seat, I can’t talk, the pressure is so strong it’s like an extremely heavy weight pushing down on me.
Once in space I was feeling very sick, my legs were weak, my face is very puffed up and I have awful pains in my back and neck. All this is called space sickness and as for the neck and back pains they are actually growing pains. While in space I will grow up to 5cm in height because the gravity is gone and my bones can stretch out.
The greatest thing about being in space is looking out of the rocket’s top windows and seeing the planet Earth. Being in space takes a lot of patience. Simple tasks become very difficult, like for example changing a flash light battery. Everything floats away when I’m using something else. That’s why everything is stuck down.
Moving around the space ship is not a problem, even the slightest push of a finger can send me floating across the space ship so I have to make sure I don’t move around too quickly. Space is very cool and now that my space journey is over I’m sad to leave but glad to go home.