“Wake up Sarah!” “Get up, get up, today is pets day.” I got dressed and rushed out the door; I took the feeder and caught my calf Molly out of the paddock. Mum hooked the horse float to the car and parked it in the house paddock; Sarah held Molly’s lead while I caught my lamb Jacinda and lead her to the horse float. We groomed them until Molly’s white sox shined like snow and Jacinda was like a fluffy white cloud on legs. We put Molly in the back part of the horse float and Jacinda into the dog box at the front. I packed two bottles of milk for Jacinda a whole hand held feeder full of milk and a bucket of mozely for Molly. When we arrived at school we groomed them some more then tied them to the fence with all the other pets.
Up on the tennis court my group (Wikitoria, Justin and I) were in charge of the Wishing Well. The Wishing Well is a bucket full of water and people try to drop their money into the container at the bottom, if they get it in we double their money and give it back.
When the pet completion part of the day started I untied Jacinda and took her to the leading ring. The other competitors in the senior lamb section were Owen with Ruby and Rachel with Oscar. I got 2nd in leading, 1st in calling, 1st in grooming and overall champion senior lamb. There were no other seniors with calves so I got 1st in leading, 1st in grooming and overall champion senior calf. At lunch my group sold Russian fudge, it sold out in the flick of my fingers! After lunch we had the obstacle course, I got first in senior lamb obstacle course and first in senior calf obstacle course. I was very happy with my pets and I gave them lots of hugs.
Up on the tennis court my group (Wikitoria, Justin and I) were in charge of the Wishing Well. The Wishing Well is a bucket full of water and people try to drop their money into the container at the bottom, if they get it in we double their money and give it back.
When the pet completion part of the day started I untied Jacinda and took her to the leading ring. The other competitors in the senior lamb section were Owen with Ruby and Rachel with Oscar. I got 2nd in leading, 1st in calling, 1st in grooming and overall champion senior lamb. There were no other seniors with calves so I got 1st in leading, 1st in grooming and overall champion senior calf. At lunch my group sold Russian fudge, it sold out in the flick of my fingers! After lunch we had the obstacle course, I got first in senior lamb obstacle course and first in senior calf obstacle course. I was very happy with my pets and I gave them lots of hugs.
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